This is an arrangement between you and the people you owe money to that allows you to repay what you owe over a fixed period of time, using government legislation. Interest and charges on the debts will be frozen and you’ll make a single, affordable, monthly payment.
At the end of the IVA any remaining debt will be written off and you can begin a life without the weight of unsecured debts on your shoulders.
Write off unsecured debt
Freeze interest and charges
Stop being hassled and pressured
Free to find out
No more borrowing from
friends and family
Stop worrying about bills
you can’t afford
Start saving again
Stop worrying about cards
being declined at the till
Stop paying high charges
for being overdrawn
Stop worrying about running out of money before your next payday
Example Unsecured Debt | ||
Personal Loan | - | £11,152 |
OverDrafts | - | £2,226 |
Loan | - | £302 |
Credit Card | - | £12,395 |
Council | - | £172 |
Store Cards | - | £1,152 |
Total Owed | £18,303 |